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Our Preschool

For over 30 years, the Brilliant Star Montessori School has nurtured childrens’ love of learning and service and helped them strive for excellence in all things.

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Watch our 5-minute video

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Our Learning Environment

The school motto is Excellence in All Things. An environment is created at the School that appeals to children’s inquisitive nature and enables them to work for inner satisfaction.


The school is inspired by Bahá’í principles and beliefs that all human beings possess the power of understanding and the capacity to attain knowledge.


Therefore, from children’s earliest years they are nurtured and directed in a way that promotes awareness, inspires co-operation, love of learning and service, develops skills and the self-motivation to work hard and strive for the achievement of excellence in all things.


Such education caters for each child’s physical, intellectual, social and spiritual needs.

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Our School Management

The school is under the direction of a Charitable Trust Board of Directors and run by Yassamin Yazdani, who has been the principal at the School since 1988.


The school originally opened as the Bahá’í Montessori School under the auspices of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Samoa in 1986.


The Board is responsible for processing and approving all applications. Parents are free to direct any enquiries they may have to the Board.

We promote and inspire

  • Co-operation

  • Love of Learning

  • Love of Service

  • Self-motivation

  • Excellence

Brilliant Star

Montessori School

Telephone: +685 23502

Mobile: +685 75 25082

Visit Us

Open 9am – 1pm weekdays

Cross Island Rd, Tiapapata

© Brilliant Star Montessori School, Samoa

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